Two time Deca Ironman Finisher!! Tony Finishes Day 11. Congratulations Tony!!

Monday, 2 September 2013

Here we go again

Some of you may have followed me in my last adventure
Your support and comments made my trip a memorable one and helped immensely.

I actually thought that I was done with this type of race but somehow I got caught up in the idea of a new challenge and the lure of a new location in Italy.  If they thought I was crazy before, what are they thinking now.  Before I would try to defend my insanity, now even I have more questions than answers. 
Right now everyone is asking me how I feel and am I ready.  My answer today is much different than what it was a year ago when I signed up for this event.  A lot has happened over the course of a year, I lost both my brother and father to cancer.  My sister has health issues she is dealing with and I have had a lot of heath and personnal obstacles that I have had to deal with.  Am I doing this race to help deal with my issues or am I doing this race to avoid my issues.  That is the real question.  Despite all of this I have decided to do the race.  Am I worried about this adventure  Hell Yes, it scares me to death but I have bought my ticket and its time to put up or shut up.
My biggest fear is disappointing everyone that is watching me.  Everyone says just do your best but I feel the pressure.


  1. Tony - my favourite children's story is about "The Little Engine that could". He kept saying "I think I can". I often mentally repeat "I think I can" when any task is tough going. Good for you to have the guts to try!!

  2. Wow Tony I am excited for you and your challenge. Stay focus. And I no you will put in 110%. Looking forward to your blogs

  3. Well I'm glad to see your still eating! So your in Italy and it's your first blog and there you are eating a hot dog or Italian sausage. I was extremely critical for your Decaironman but I truly appreciate what your doing,crazy as it may seem. Stay focused and do the best that you can. It's just a thirty day contract.LOLOL Stay in touch and bonne chance mon ami.
